"Green" project ideas

 DANCOR Services Projects  Green projects & Ideas

                  Simple Cost effective money saving solutions.


  1. Fix plumbing leaks. A single dripping faucet can waste 212 gallons of water a month.
  2. Install low flow toilets. saves 3.5 gallons per flush.
  3. Insulate your water heater. Can cut your homes CO2 emissions & save between 4 to 9% in water heating costs. And reduced standby heat loss by 25 to 45%. If you touch the water heater and its warm to the touch additional insulation is needed.
  4. Replace shower heads and faucets with low flow devices.  Low flow devices such as replacement heads and aerators can save you between 10 to 16% on water heating costs and reduce water usage by 20,000 gallons per year.
  5. Insulate hot water pipes. Not only does this raise the temp of the water quicker it also conserves water use due to warmer water faster.
  6. Install a water heater timer. If you have an electric water heater this will save by shutting off the heater during non use periods of the day & night.

 Heating and cooling & electrical.    

  1. Install ceiling fans. Cuts a/c costs by 40% in summer. And by flipping a switch on the fan you can pull heat down from the ceiling in the winter reducing heating costs.
  2. Seal hvac ducts. Seal with duct seal mastic or duct wrap insulation saves up to 40% on your energy bill.
  3. Replace light bulbs. Energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs last 8 to 12 times longer than incandescent. Just one bulb alone can save at least $30 in electric duriing its lifespan and reduce greenhouse emissions from powerplants. 5 bulbs can reduce your annual lighting bill by 50%.
  4. Install outdoor solar lights. Easy to install and virtually maintenance free. Solar electricity is free.
  5. Lighting controls and timers. Motion sensors outside increase security and cut utility costs. Timers turn lights on and off at predetermined times. Photocells can be set to bring lights on for various times from dusk to dawn.

Door, Windows & exterior envelope.

  1. Replace old windows. Install new high performance dual or triple pane with low e coatings. Cuts drafts and helps prevent window condensation.
  2. Insulation. Adding insulation to attics to recommended levels cuts heat transfer there by reducing hvac loads. Insulate from foundation to attic for maximum performance. And increase attic ventelation.
  3. Plug overlooked leaks in exterior and doors. use caulk and foam weather stripping around doors and windows that leak air. Install door sweeps and door shoe gaskets. A 1/8" space around your door is like having a hole the size of a brick in your wall. Install foam swich and recepticle covers behind your regular coverplates to stop drafts.

Reduce, reuse and recycle.

  1. Reuse old cabinets, sinks and appliances. Reuse in garages or basements. Or consider donating to Habitat for humanity.Get a tax write-off, help someone else inneed and save room in landfills. Check local listings or go to WWW.habitat.org for a Habitat for humanity Reuse store in your area

Give us a call for your next project.....


Dan 513.266.2482